International Food Trader magazine has published an interview with Robynne Anderson on the International Year of Pulses. Journalist Charlie Higgins asked questions about how the year will be organized and the funding required. Read more about the opportunity to galvanize activity and attention on pulses at 2016 the International Year of Pulses. Read the full […]
The International Pulse Trade Federation, CICILS, has declared it is “delighted” to see the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) vote in favour of a proposal to declare 2016 the International Year of Pulses. Prior to the vote on Saturday 22 June, CICILS executives were in Rome urging FAO diplomats not to miss the opportunity […]
Agriculture for Impact released its report on linking smallholders to markets in Africa. The document focuses on the realities of forming market linkages and notes three key considerations are: the business case, the approach to linking and how to organise links. “Links will only work if there is a return on investment for smallholder farmers […]
A new centre to facilitate research and training in agribusiness will be created in Ghana with support of Africa Atlantic, MIT and the Harvard Kennedy School. It will facilitate industry training of farmers as entrepreneurs, as well as innovation in sustainable economic, environmental and social impact designs. The Agribusiness Knowledge Center will be built in […]
After some very bleak years, wheat bounced back as a profitable part of the farm mix. However, there is news in the USDA Outlook that suggests some troubled times for wheat. Excerpts of the USDA report are below. Wheat Supply, Demand, and Price Outlook for 2013/14 Wheat production for 2013 is expected to decrease more […]
I was asked recently what the relationship is between the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a complicated question, particularly because the negotiation processes for the two are complex and not well aligned. In my view, the SDGs should not replace the MDGs. The MDGS are yet to be […]